Who am I?

Who am I?

No, this isn’t the start of an existential crisis. This is my introduction to you, me and you.

So who am I?

I could tell you all the mundane boring things. Like how my college education is going (I’m done finally), what my major was (English of course), and what sort of clubs I was involved with on campus (none). Like where I’m from (the Midwest) and where I’m going (hell if I know). Like if I’m fond of football, dogs, pizza, comedy, books, and ice cream (a solid affirmative to all of them).

But here, that’s not really important. This is just me and you, you and I after all.

So really, I’m someone you will likely never meet. If I’m really good, you’ll never even see me. I’m not the loudest personality in the classroom, nor am I the quietest. I am neither the smartest nor the dullest. Neither tall nor short. Slender nor obese. In the real world, I am no one.

But here, to you, I have the chance to be.

My world is full of stories. Stories that have been passed down to me; stories that have yet to come to light. Stories where I have been the protagonist, and ones where I am barely worth any mention at all. There are ones that have ended in the most glorious triumphs. There are ones that I cannot finish without being overcome by grief. And then there are the ones in the middle, the ones that are not quite yet finished. Those are the ones that flow from my fingers to your eyes. In every bit of imperfect glory that is defined by being human, I give you my stories.

These are my stories.

And who am I?

I am the storyteller.

And you, my dear friend, only need to believe me.

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